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 Cenforce 130 mg

Cenforce 130 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Sildenafil Citrate
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Sildenafil Citrate 130 mg
  • Manufacturer : Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Cenforce 130 Mg

What Is Cenforce 130?

Many men experience sexual dissatisfaction because of erectile dysfunction. It is a sexual problem that does not help men get and keep a hard-on.

When men do not get sufficient erections, they are not able to indulge in sexual encounters. To get sexual pleasure, men must keep and achieve an erection during lovemaking sessions. 

When men cannot have an erection, they go to see a healthcare provider. A doctor prescribes Cenforce130 which is a potent allopathic drug.

This medicine is designed to treat erectile dysfunction and also help men get rid of their sexual problems.

The prime benefit of using this drug is to help men enjoy sexual pleasures. The main role of this erectile dysfunction drug is to suppress the signs of erectile dysfunction

This impotence medicine has Sildenafil which is manufactured by Centurion Laboratories. Every pill is green in color and can help men recover from sexual dysfunction in men. With this powerful drug, you can enjoy sexual intimacy for a long time. This medicine will help you give a firm erection during lovemaking sessions.

How Does Cenforce 130 mg Work

The prime composition of this impotence medicine is Sildenafil. When you ingest this drug, Sildenafil clogs the PDE5 inhibitors.

This compound will dissolve and then reach the blood vessels with ease.

After clogging the PDE5 inhibitors, the component activates cGMP in your body. This will dilate the blood vessels and you will get an erection in no time.

The component will help men attain an erection. The effects of the drug will last for five hours.

What Is Cenforce 130 Used For

Men who have erectile dysfunction should use this impotence medicine. This erectile dysfunction drug will help you gain an erection and also will help you gain sexual satisfaction. The drug suppresses the signs and helps men get quick relief from erection problems.

Another use of this drug is to help men overcome benign prostatic hyperplasia. Another use of this drug is to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension in men.

Cenforce 130 Direction Of Use

Ingest the medicine in the entire form as it is with a glass of water. Without chewing or grinding a pill, you need to ingest the tablet in its whole form with water. Consume this drug half an hour before you make up your mind to make love.

It is necessary to consume healthy foods before taking this erectile dysfunction medicine. Make sure to have a low-fat drug while consuming this impotence medicine. 

Cenforce 130 Sildenafil Dosage

There are several dosages of Cenforce that you may come across in the drugstores. This medicine can be obtained from online and offline drugstores.

Your medical practitioner will check your health to know which dose your body needs. As per the medical report, a specific dose will be instructed to you. 

➦ Miss Dose

You will get no results if you skip a dose for a day. To get positive results, it is necessary to ingest the dose once a day.

In case you skip a tablet, take it before 12 hours of your next dose. Ingesting the missed dose is essential to enjoy the positive results in your body. 

➦ Overdose

In case you overdose on the medicine, some side effects may appear in your body.

If side effects are going out of control, inform your medical practitioner at once. Your medical provider will suggest certain ways to eliminate side effects. 

➦ Other Cenforce Dosage

  • Cenforce 25 mg
  • Cenforce 50 mg
  • Cenforce 100 mg
  • Cenforce 120 mg
  • Cenforce 130 mg
  • Cenforce 150 mg
  • Cenforce 200 mg
  • Cenforce FM
  • Cenforce D
  • Cenforce Soft 100 Mg

How Long Does It Take

As you start ingesting this impotence medicine, the effect of the medicine will start to work in an hour. The action of the pills will work quickly when you have this impotence drug on time. 

Strengths Of Cenforce 130

There are various strengths of Cenforce that patients may come across in online drugstores. Cenforce 100, Cenforce FM 100, Cenforce 130, and Cenforce 25 are some of the strengths. 

Side Effects Of Cenforce 130

Men with impotence issues may come across certain side effects after using this impotence medicine. Some probable side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. Some other side effects include headache, nausea, blurred vision, and ringing in the ears. Some ED patients also complain about experiencing a sore throat or runny nose. 

Probable Side Effects
other side effects
abdominal pain
blurred vision
loss of appetite
ringing in the ears


Interactions are likely to occur in men with impotence issues. 

  • Drug Interactions

Do not take drugs of nitrates which can show drug interactions with Cenforce 130mg. Do not take other impotence medications along with this impotence drug. Do not take Ketoconazole along with this impotence medicine. 

  • Disease Interactions

If you have pulmonary arterial hypertension, stop using this impotence medication. If you suffer from renal dysfunction or cardiovascular disease, it is best not to use this drug. If you have seizures, stop using this impotence medicine.

Precaution & Warning

⚠ If you are going to see a doctor, tell your medical information to your healthcare provider. 

⚠ Never consume marijuana or alcohol with this impotence drug. 

⚠ Do not consume grapefruits while taking this impotence. medicine.

⚠ Never operate a machine or drive a vehicle while taking this impotence medication. 


Storing this impotence drug in a safe place is essential. Keep the drug in a place where there is no humidity and moisture. 

Why Buy From Medyplexpharma?

Purchasing drugs from medyplexpharma will be useful to you. You can expect the best quality drugs from this online pharmacy at cost-effective rates. 


1. How Long Does It Take For Cenforce 130 To Work? 

This ED drug may probably take some time to work in your body. You may start to experience the action of the drug in a few minutes or an hour. 

2. Can I Take Cenforce 130 Without A Prescription? 

You would need a medical professional's prescription to get this impotence medication. Your healthcare professional will suggest you have this pill only if you are diagnosed with ED and for a specified time. 

3. When Should You Consume Cenforce 130? 

Take this impotence medication an hour before making love. It is required to swallow the entire pill with a glass of water. 

4. Can Cenforce 130 Be Consumed As Long As You Want? 

It is not advised to ED patients to use the imperative medicine as long as they want. Patients may complain about side effects from continuing this drug more than required. 

5. Can Cenforce 130 Be Taken By Premature Ejaculation Patients? 

This impotence medicine cannot be consumed by premature ejaculation patients. This drug is specially designed for erectile dysfunction patients only. 

6. Is Alcohol Consumption Allowed With Cenforce 130? 

Alcohol consumption is strictly not allowed with this impotence pill. Severe side effects may take place if men with ED issues consume this drug with alcohol. 

7. Can Men Who Are In Their 20s Consume Cenforce 130? 

Teenagers who are in their 20s and are suffering from impotence need to talk to their healthcare professional.