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 Malegra 120 mg

Malegra 120 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Sildenafil Citrate
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Sildenafil 120 mg
  • Manufacturer : Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Malegra 120 Mg

What Is Malegra 120 Mg?

Malegra 120 mg is a medicine that can bring about the issues of erectile dysfunction. This sexual disorder is prevalent among males who are suffering from the issues of erectile dysfunction. With this penile issue among males, it becomes almost impossible for such men to achieve a strong and hard erection.

But this does not mean that you have to lead a sexually secluded life anymore. As long as you have medicines such as Malegra 120 mg for your use you can still be able to achieve penile hardness and attain strong and hard erections on your own.

The Malegra 120 is a generic USA brand of Sildenafil that causes your penis to grow hard with its contents of generic Sildenafil.

With Sildenafil you can achieve up to 6 hours of erectile hardness easily with the substance and its capabilities of increasing blood pressure in the penis tissues.

How Does Malegra 120 mg Work?

When Malegra 120 mg activates causing Sildenafil to mix with blood it will eventually allow some hormonal changes to occur. Now, these hormonal changes include causing inhibition of the PDE-5 hormones and the rise in the concentration of the cGMP hormones.

Eventually thanks to the actions of nitric oxide it is possible to achieve dilation of the arteries in the penis region making blood flow much more rapid and fast flowing. And this makes your penis increasingly become sensitive to touches allowing strong erections.

Uses Of Malegra 120 mg

The use of the Malegra 120 mg is restricted for curing one specific disorder and that is the ED issues among males. But here, are a few critical elements that you need to know before starting an abrupt course of the pills.

At first, you will need to have confirmation from the doctors to be able to use your medicines. Remember using Sildenafil needs a prescription since it is a Schedule H category pill.

Along with this, only the doctors can safely prescribe the tenure along with recommending other vital information such as how often you need to use the pills.


Each dose of the Malegra 120 has a concentration of 120mg of the generic substance present in it.

  • How To Take It

To have your daily medicine you will need to essentially swallow the pills. this is best done using water to prevent the pills from obstructing your throat.

  • Miss Dose

Do not miss even a single dose of Malegra 120 mg pills throughout your tenure. Missing out on a single medicine could bring out the same old symptoms of ED and trouble in achieving strong and sustainable erections.

  • Overdose

Any overdose of Malegra 120 mg is critical and may not be safe at all for patients. Use of this dose needs to be done with care to prevent the side effects of Sildenafil generic from coming in.

Other Dosage

  • Malegra Professional 100mg
  • Malegra Gold 100mg
  • Malegra FXT
  • Malegra FXT Plus
  • Malegra DXT
  • Malegra DXT Plus

Strengths And Substitutes Of Malegra 120 mg

The strength of the Malegra 120 mg pills is quite strong and it is not usable for curing the mild issues of ED.

Rather the doctors will increase your dose to 120mg if the smaller dose variants such as 50mg or 100mg have been unable to produce satisfactory erections.

Side Effects Of Malegra 120 mg

Of course, patients can have side effects due to any overdose or even contraindications of other substances.

Mild adverse effects of the pills include headache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, palpitations, nervousnesstremors, and so on.

More severe issues although rare could cause you to feel blurred vision, chest pain, fluctuations in your BP, and priapism.


  • Drug Interactions

Here are the drugs that may have possible contraindications chances-

Pills that have substances such as alpha-blockers or nitrates present in them. Medicines that have the control of increasing blood pressure.

  • Disease Interactions

It is likely to be more prone to side effects if you have any cardiac or even its relatable disorders or those who have had critical incidents in the past such as heart failure or a cardiac arrest.

Precaution & Warning

⚠ Patients will need to adhere to many warnings and safety measures to remain free of the side effects.

⚠ Usually, the patients will need to avoid taking in any excess dose or taking multiple pills throughout the day.

⚠ Check whether any of your existing medicines may have contraindicating effects.

⚠ Don’t allow yourself to suffer from side effects and continue with the dose.


Storing the Malegra 120 mg pills is best at a normal room temperature range where the heat and humidity parameters are low.

Why Buy From Medyplexpharma?

Medyplexpharma is a website that is entirely genuine and even its products are authentic. The website also offers good discount offers to its customers. 


1. Is Malegra 120 mg A Safe Dose?

Yes, you will need to buy it after consulting with the doctors which makes it safe.

2. What Is The Result Of Using Malegra 120 Mg?

The result of using the pills is to find hard erections easily when pens are stimulated.

3. Can ED Find A Possible Cure Using Malegra 120 mg?

No, you can find a cure for ED but it is not permanent as the actions last for around 6 hours only.

4. What Is The Substitute For Using Malegra 120 mg?

The substitute brands for Malegra 120 mg pills include Cenforce, Fildena, Kamagra, Silagra, FIlagra, and so on.

5. Can I Use A Smaller Dose If The Malegra 120 mg Is Causing Side Effects?

Yes, this is the best recommendation if you are suffering from side effects using a higher dose.

6. Is It Possible For Females To Find Any Benefits Using The Malegra 120 mg?

No female can ever use the medicine since its action only suits the males. Using in females can result in some severe side effects.

7. Is Malegra 120 mg FDA-approved?

Malegra 120 mg is sold around the world only as a generic variant of Sildenafil. Although for buying the pills you will need to have a prescription.