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 Malegra FXT

Malegra FXT

  • Active ingredient : Sildenafil Citrate/Fluoxetine
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Sildenafil + Fluoxetine
  • Manufacturer : Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Malegra FXT

What Is Malegra FXT?

Malegra FXT is a new-age combination of medicines piled together in one with potentially two different purposes. Remember that this is a male health sexual disorder curing medicine only. To use this pill it is only recommended to a few men who have not just one but two different disorders occurring side by side.

One of the issues relates to the incapability of attaining a strong and hard erection a situation that is known as impotence. The other disorder that is curable using the Malegra FXT pills is known as premature ejaculation.

To cure both these issues at once the pills have a combination of two different generic ingredients inside the pills which are known as Sildenafil and Fluoxetine.

Sildenafil is the agent present in the pills to procure a strong and hard erection ability in the patient. And the other generic element to be present in the pills is known as Fluoxetine which can cure premature ejaculation issues.

This medicine ideally needs confirmation from the doctors to be used safely and only on the diagnosis of both disorders at once.

Remember that the Malegra FXT pills can also have some possible side effects and thus you need to follow a dosage routine that is recommended by the doctors for your safety of health.

How Does Malegra FXT Work?

To get to know about the working method of the pills you need to know about the working process for both Sildenafil and Fluoxetine.

Sildenafil causes a hard erection ability in an impotent person by inhibiting the actions of the PDE-5 hormones that cause the nitric oxide to induce dilation in the arteries of the penis making blood flow more rapid.

Eventually, the penis sensitivity gets too high and you can achieve a hard erection by stimulating the penis.

Fluoxetine on the other hand can cause your ejaculating tendencies to delay further thanks to the ingredient increasing the content of serotonin hormone in your brain that lets you free of any stress and anxiety.

Uses Of Malegra FXT

As we have told you above the use of Malegra FXT is for dual purposes of curing both ED and premature ejaculation issues.

The content of the pills has a fixed proportion of either of these ingredients that allow you to recover from impotence and premature ejaculation issues simultaneously.


The total dose present in the Malegra FXT pills is 160mg. Among this is a content of 100mg of the generic substance Sildenafil and the rest of the amount, 60mg is for the content of Fluoxetine.

  • How To Take It

To take your daily medicine you will simply need to gulp down the medicine whole with water. Remember that for gulping the entire medicine it is only safe to use water over using other substances especially alcohol and grape juice that you need to avoid.

  • Miss Dose

Missing out on your pills of Malegra FXT cannot cause either of the generic elements to become active. Hence it will be tough for you to achieve penile hardness or delay your ejaculating tendencies.

  • Overdose

Any excess content of Sildenafil or Fluoxetine in your blood can result in the side effects coming in.

Strengths And Substitutes Of Malegra FXT

Currently, the Malegra FXT variant has a dose of 100mg+ 60mg of Sildenafil and Fluoxetine respectively.

There is another variant known as the Malegra FXT Plus where the dose for Sildenafil remains the same and the dose for Fluoxetine increases to 100mg.

Side Effects Of Malegra FXT

Usually, it is possible that persons who are using the Malegra FXT pills may have to adjust to the action of the medicine for a few days and during this time they can have some mild side effects.

Mild Side EffectRare Side Effect
chest pain
High-rise blood pressure
low libido

stomach cramps

  • Drug Interactions

Any medicine that has possible contraindications with the use of Malegra FXT pills needs complete avoidance. You need to avoid using any such pill that can increase the risks of side effects along with Malegra FXT. let the doctors review all the existing medicines that you are using currently.

  • Disease Interactions

Diseases that can interact using the Malegra FXT pills are mostly heart disorders or even high blood pressure.

Precaution & Warning

Use of the Malegra FXT requires you to be wary of your existing medicines and health. take a look at the above section where we have mentioned the pill and disease contraindications.

You cannot remain involved with any type of high-focus intensive activity such as driving after taking the pills.

Patients need to critically avoid an excess of one pill dose for daily use.


Storage of the pills needs a shady place where there would not be direct exposure to sunlight along with minimum heat and humidity.

Why Buy From Medyplexpharma?

Medyplexpharma is the only genuine place online that allows you to purchase the medicines at best discount offers.


Is It Safe To Use Both Sildenafil And Fluoxetine Simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to use both Sildenafil and Fluoxetine simultaneously as they do not cause any side effects.

How Long Can You Possibly Use Malegra FXT?

Have this consultation along with the doctors to know about the tenure of using the Malegra FXT pills.

What Is The Age Recommendation For Using The Malegra FXT Pills?

The minimum age is over 18 years while the maximum age is 64.

Are The Malegra FXT Pills Ever Recommended To Females?

No, the use of Malegra FXT pills is only safe for males with both ED and PE.

Is It Better To Use Different Pills For Curing Both ED And PE?

No, you may end up with higher costs if you buy pills curing ED and PE separately.

Can You Buy Malegra FXT Online?

Yes, check out a trusted online pharmacy if you want to buy Malegra FXT pills cheaply.

Are The Composition Of The Pills FDA-approved?

Yes, both the contents of the pill have been approved by the FDA.