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 Filitra 40 mg

Filitra 40 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Vardenafil
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Vardenafil 40mg
  • Manufacturer : Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Filitra 40 Mg

Filitra 40 Mg Tablet Description: 

Most older men who are above 60 years of age complain about having erection troubles. Poor blood circulation in the erectile region prevents men from achieving and keeping a firm erection.

When a man does not get a firm erection for many days, it becomes a reason for concern. Instead of getting worried, get in touch with a healthcare professional

Your medical provider will check your health thoroughly to know the condition of your impotence. As per your present health condition, your medical provider will tell you to take Filitra 40 mg.

It is a prescription medication that contains the Vardenafil brand name as its prime compound. The main ingredient of this impotence medicine is increased blood flow in the sex organ. Men get a firm erection when the penis fills with blood and men get sexual arousal.


This medicine can be used for various purposes. The first use of this impotence medicine is to give men relief from erection problems. Vardenafil improves sufficient blood supply in the erectile region.

When the blood vessels relax, blood starts to supply throughout the erectile region. When the penis is filled with blood, men get an instant erection.

Men can use this medication to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. Men who go through benign prostatic hyperplasia can treat this disease with this medicine.

If you are diagnosed with any health ailments, taking this medication is essential. This is a prescription drug which means you need to take this ED drug after you get permission from your medical provider. 

Side Effects:

Men who have Filitra 40 will be susceptible to some side effects. Some common side effects that patients may encounter are bloody nose, flushing, drowsiness, or tingling or burning sensations.

Some impotent patients may also experience indigestion or diarrhea. If you are troubled with any of the side effects, tell your doctor without delay.


There are some dosages of Filitra such as:

  • Filitra 20 mg
  • Filitra 10 mg 
  • Filitra 40 mg

Your doctor will decide which dose will be good for your health. Your medical provider will have to diagnose your health to prescribe you the right dose. 

Take the pill of this impotence medicine with a glass of water. It is necessary to intake the impotence medication without splitting or breaking the pill.

If you split the pill, the medicine will not work in your body. Take this medicine on an empty stomach an hour before having sexual intercourse

If you forget to ingest this impotence medication, take it when it strikes you again. If the missed dose is within an hour of your fresh dose, it would be best to skip the missed dose.

If you accidentally ingested an additional dose, notify your medical provider immediately. Overdosing on a pill can have adverse effects on your health.